2024 National Register of Champion Trees Now Available
The Champion Tree Program works with local communities, government agencies, universities, and conservation groups to identify, measure, and protect these trees. We use a standardized system to assess the size and health of each Champion Tree, and we update our records regularly to ensure accuracy. Through our efforts, we seek to encourage a greater appreciation for the natural world and inspire others to take action to protect our gentle giants.

Burned base of a Tulip Poplar that was killed by fire in 1934 in North Carolina A woman and young child at the enormous base of the National Champion Sitka Spruce in Washington in 2018. Photo credit: Brian Kelley, with permission from American Forests
The Champion Tree Registry has been keeping the record of the largest trees in the United States of America since 1940. These trees form a bridge between the past and the future – through documenting and promoting the conservation of these gentle giants, we are connecting ourselves with our ancestors and our descendants. We are grateful to those who chose to protect these trees in the decades and centuries prior, and we are committed to protecting these trees for decades and centuries to come.
Champion Trees are the largest trees of their species, and they serve as a testament to the rich history and diversity of the American landscape. These trees can be found in every state, from towering redwoods in California to massive oaks on the East Coast. They are a vital part of our ecosystem: filtering stormwater, removing air pollution, and providing shelter and food for countless species of birds, insects, mammals, and microorganisms.