Kalmia latifolia - VA
mountain laurel

69 Points
Trunk Circumference: 37 inches
Height: 22 feet
Crown Spread: 40 feet
Volume: N/A cubic feet
Year Last Measured: 2023
Year Nominated: 2024
Nominated by: | |
Tree ID: 6934
This mountain laurel is a remarkable size for its species and is most likely very old. It appears quite healthy, but does have some dead wood on the lower branches. Its trunk splits into 3 stems at ground line, but appears to be a single tree. Three stems: Stem 1: 20" measured @ 4.5'. Stem 2: 37" measured @ 4'. Stem 3: 36" measured @ 1'. For scoring, the largest of these stems was used. All stems included in crown spread.
State: VA
County: Newport News City
This tree is not publicly accessible.
Trees of the same species are compared using the following calculation:
x = Tree Trunk Circumference (Inches);
y = Tree Height (Feet);
z = Tree’s Average Crown Spread (Feet);
x + y + (z/4) = Total Points